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Charts - Pie

Pie charts express portions of a whole, using arcs or angles within a circle.


To plot a pie chart, a series must have a data property containing an array of objects. Those objects should contain a property value. They can also have a label property.

If you plan to update/reorder those data, you should add an id property which is used for key props.

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The pie colors can be customized in two ways.

  1. You can provide a color palette. Each arc of the pie will be colored according to this palette.
  2. You can provide a color property in data objects which overrides the palette.
  colors={['red', 'blue', 'green']} // Use palette
      data: [
        { value: 10, color: 'orange' }, // Use color property
        // ...





Pie series shape is described by multiple properties:

  • innerRadius The radius between the center and the beginning of the arc. The default is set to 0.
  • outerRadius The radius between the center and the end of the arc. The default is the largest value available in the drawing area.
  • arcLabelRadius The radius between the center and the arc label.
  • paddingAngle The angle (in degrees) between two arcs.
  • cornerRadius Similar to the CSS border-radius.
  • startAngle/endAngle The angle range of the pie chart. Values are given in degrees.
  • cx/cy The center of the pie charts. By default the middle of the drawing area.
import { PieChart } from '@mui/x-charts/PieChart';

      data: [ ... ],
      innerRadius: 30,
      outerRadius: 100,
      paddingAngle: 5,
      cornerRadius: 5,
      startAngle: -45,
      endAngle: 225,
      cx: 150,
      cy: 150,


The following properties accept percentage string (for example '50%').

  • innerRadius/outerRadius/arcLabelRadius with '100%' equivalent to maximal radius fitting in the drawing area.
  • cx, cy with '100%' equivalent to the drawing area width/height.


You can display labels on the arcs. To do so, the series should get arcLabel property. It can either get a function that gets the object associated with the arc and returns the label. Or you can pass one of the following values:

  • 'value' display the raw value of the arc.
  • 'formattedValue' display the returned value of valueFormatter for the arc.
  • 'label' display the label property of the arc if provided.

To avoid displaying labels on small arcs, you can provide arcLabelMinAngle property. Arcs with angles smaller than the value (in deg) will not have labels.

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Pie series can get highlightScope property to manage element highlighting. Its behavior is described in the dedicated page.

When elements are highlighted or faded they can be customized with dedicated CSS classes: .MuiPieArc-faded and .MuiPieArc-highlighted.

CSS is well suited to modify the color, stroke-width, or opacity. However, to modify the size of a pie arc, you must use the highlighted and faded properties, with which you can override any of the properties innerRadius, outerRadius, and cornerRadius when an arc is highlighted or faded.

If you do not want to provide absolute values, you can use additionalRadius which will be added to the outerRadius. This value can be negative to reduce arc size.

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Click event

Pie Chart provides an onItemClick handler for handling clicks on specific pie arcs. It has the following signature.

const onItemClick = (
  event, // The mouse event.
  params, // An object that identifies the clicked element.
) => {};

Click on the chart

// Data from item click
// The data will appear here


To skip animation at the creation and update of your chart you can use the skipAnimation prop. When set to true it skips animation powered by @react-spring/web.

Charts containers already use the useReducedMotion() from @react-spring/web to skip animation according to user preferences.

// For a single component chart
<PieChart skipAnimation />

// For a composed chart
  <PiePlot skipAnimation />

Number of items



See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.